[Verse] I will be honest, I wasn't devastated But you could've held my hand through this, baby In my mind, I didn't need Warned your ex I run my hands through what's left But we didn't know baby How much longer baby? Why am I preaching? To this choir, to the saved kids Just like mine versions of these belong to you After a while They're keeping me close to you
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Paroles de la musique Close to You - Frank Ocean :
[Verse] I will be honest, I wasn't devastated But you could've held my hand through this, baby In my mind, I didn't need Warned your ex I run my hands through what's left But we didn't know baby How much longer baby? Why am I preaching? To this choir, to the saved kids Just like mine versions of these belong to you After a while They're keeping me close to you
Tracklist de Blonde
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