Love was a sudden thing Came out the dark with wings Beat up my old life To sit by the fire side Love on an island daze Went out in the heart two ways To land on a low tide To sea when the water's high
Falling in sunlight Whirling Eaten by parasites To dance on a low tide To bleed when the water's high
Shot by the water side Hunted by hidden eyes A poison that finds a way To hear what the devil say
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Love was a sudden thing Came out the dark with wings Beat up my old life To sit by the fire side Love on an island daze Went out in the heart two ways To land on a low tide To sea when the water's high
Falling in sunlight Whirling Eaten by parasites To dance on a low tide To bleed when the water's high
Shot by the water side Hunted by hidden eyes A poison that finds a way To hear what the devil say
Tracklist de GENE
Ecoutez gratuitement et téléchargez Sudden Thing - LA Priest extrait de GENE [2020]. Partagez et commentez !