[Chorus] Depression and obsession don't mix well I'm poisoned and my body doesn't feel well I ate her, inside and out I feel my stomach turnin' Make out hill, where we met We let our lips do all the talkin' and now I'm hooked and… Depression and obsession don't mix well Hollywood motels Hell, I think I'm just obsessed with you Depression and obsession doesn't mix well Hollywood motels Hell, I think I'm just obsessed with you
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Paroles de la musique Depression & Obsession - XXXTENTACION :
[Chorus] Depression and obsession don't mix well I'm poisoned and my body doesn't feel well I ate her, inside and out I feel my stomach turnin' Make out hill, where we met We let our lips do all the talkin' and now I'm hooked and… Depression and obsession don't mix well Hollywood motels Hell, I think I'm just obsessed with you Depression and obsession doesn't mix well Hollywood motels Hell, I think I'm just obsessed with you
Tracklist de 17
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